
もふ山通信メモ 2022.06.30




1こんにちは、ため息坊主です。Hi, I am Tameiki-boz.
1作者の長年のマスコットキャラで、Webゲーム「もふもふ山」にも主人公の友達役で出る予定です。I'm the author's longtime mascot character, and will play a role of Morffee's friend in the web game "Fluffy Mountain".
1昔は、作者が困った時や寂しい時などに、よく紙の上に現れて話相手をつとめたんですよ。In the old days, when the author was in trouble or lonely, I would often appear on paper to talk with her.
1今はパソコンのおかげで、画面で修正しながらラクに書き進められるようになり、作者も喜んでいます。Now, thanks to the computer, the author is happy to be able to revise on the screen and write easily.
2作者は昨年12月、Webゲームを作るというだいそれた試みを発表しましたが、Last December, the author announced a rather outrageous attempt to create a web game.
2さいわい皆さまの励ましのおかげで、ちょっとずつ現実のものになりつつあります。Fortunately, thanks to everyone's encouragement, this is slowly becoming a reality.
2漫画で語る形式――これ、実はゲームの会話シーンを漫画で展開しようという考えなんですが、The format of telling the story in manga - this is actually based on the idea of developing the game's conversation scenes in manga.
2この方法で大丈夫かな…? 画面で漫画を描くのは思ったよりしんどいかも。ゲーム画面と漫画ページの切替がうまく行くかも、やってみないと分からない…。Do you think this method will work...? Drawing manga on the screen might be harder than I thought. I'll have to try it to see if switching between the game screen and the manga page will work...
2まだまだ安定稼働にはほど遠い状態です。It is still far from stable operation.
3でも! 今まで出来なかったことが出来るようになったので、作者はこの作業が楽しくてワクワクしています。But! The author is happy and excited about this process because now she can do what she could not do before.
3この成果を早く皆さまといっしょに共有したいです。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。We look forward to sharing these results with you soon. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
I would like to take topics not directly related to the game as articles on the site, and describe them in manga form. For example, the author's comments on the English transcription videos, learning the classics at the National Digital Library, and software usage and working procedures would also be compiled into a manga booklet.
Stay tuned!
